Enter one Mr. Jones.

Seems I needed photo styling improvements.

Seems the resident Mr. Jones has heard about the local theatrical Mr. Jones and aspires to be a critic as well.

Seams undone on the flaps? Only half of the ends woven in?
(Still, they're done now and they'll head north ASAP.)
Broadstreet Mittens
Jawoll Color plus a little leftover red Lanett
I love the colors, and stripes! I think I love the tan spot on Mr. Jones' foot, too.
They look wonderful. I like the stripes. I love the gradual encroachment of Mr. Jones!
Meyeee and Mr. Mr. Joe-onezzzzz, we got a thang going ah-on. Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones, Mr. Joe-onez
Who feels like singing?
We both know that it's wrong, but it's much too strong . . .
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