27 November 2020

Also in Sock Stories

I discovered one large hole when I put them on.  I put in slippers and wore them anyway.  (Determined the rest of the sole too thin for useful mending.)

And I was correct.  By end of a simple day at home, voila, the demise of socks. 

Cast on for them in a November 14 years ago,  http://toweringtextiles.blogspot.com/2007/06/simple-socks.html?m=0 , they have served their term.

2021 will be a good winter for sock replenishment.

14 November 2020

November 14, 2020: In Which She Returns To Socks

Forgot how satisfying sock knitting is.

Ignoring the drama of all that goes on. Wearing the masks. Keeping the distances. Not gathering.

You know, but fortunate to have work. Bothered that it's still so much school in person, with all kinds of mitigating efforts, and perplexingly relieved there are still pieces of it.

Stress. Too much to do. (Re)Enter Socks.