01 April 2006

Towering Textiles Flashed

I've had a lovely hour's romp through blogs with flashed stash. I have to go home before I overdose. What an awful lot of fun.

Of course, last year one student's refrain was "you have a weird sense of fun." She may be right. The viewing is going to be fun for days and days and days.

I'm going to go home to knit or sew. The towers of textiles call.

Besides, I accidentally caught a little of an organizational program on a cable network early this afternoon (see how I protect the innocent?) AND an that program, the organizer told the knitter and quilter that five projects going at once was a little much. She should really only have three.

I nearly choked on my cheese sandwich.

(PS. This is just some of the landscape which inspired the blog name in the first place. The actual fiber flash is in the previous post.)

(Post PS. And if I actually tried to flash the fabrics, I really WOULD have the vapors.)

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