28 June 2011

A Paltry Summer to Summer Count and other lists

What am I thinking?
Not only is this post late, the summer to summer tally is short, short, short. From Memorial Day to Memorial Day was the initial intent. An appropriate textile year - not calendar nor fiscal - June lets me start fresh. It's almost the end of June. You'd think I'd forgotten.

What did I knit?
This year was BUSY. The knitting was not so great. I completed knitting a grand total of:
Three Whole Scarves
One Cowl
One Pair of Socks

What, no more knitting?
Au contraire. True, much of the knitting in progress this year has drifted in and out of actual progress:
1. There was a variant of an 1860's "bosom friend" shawl destined for costume use. Sewing took priority, and so that is languishing.
2. There's some progress on the cotton blanket.
3. I stalled on a pair of gloves for my nephew, who will likely not be wanting them for cross country in fall. Stalled for questions of size, the glove has now had a fitting and should be fit to return to active knitting.
4. After a false start of a third of a foot, one of the socks from the wonderfully named Frogs in a Blender colorway is actually done, and the next is underway.
5. Knitting a Stephen West scarf for myself. I am doing the dance of no leftovers, hoping that I will gauge the knitting correctly so I have the perfect amount of yarn left for the finishing.

What DID I do?
A. A year long project involving Civil War era costumes. I have increased my lifetime count of making men's tailored jackets from two to well over a dozen.
B. Tenure and promotion.
C. Directed two shows.
D. Put on unnecessary weight. (See A, B, C, B, and B.)
E. Lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol, despite D.

What am I doing now?

Excellent question. That's for another post. Some evidence in the previous post.

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