17 January 2021

Progress, Despite Odds

Hello, blog.
Someday soon I will work my way back in here to edit previously mangled posts. I deliver posts via email, so what happens to post is posted regardless of haphazard proofreading.

Hello, progress tracking.
Someday after that, I might update progress tracking, though I may not do what I used to do. So many ways to track progress these days. There was a recent (measured in years) addition of an annual challenge mechanism on Ravelry. Made progress one year. Made no progress in 2019. Never launched one for 2020 - and made significant headway on project completion, so a clear mismatch there. The odds of my disconnect there? Of course. Tremendously good odds. Odds of my meeting the variety of progress-promoting challenges I launched for myself? We shall see.

Hello, yarn closet.
I am leaping into the wake of 2020 knitting project and am already on to the second sock of a pair knit with yarn purchased in 2009. And I don't even love the yarn. It was thrifty Drops Fabel hand will be a good and wearable pair of wool socks. Odds are good they will be done this month. Pattern is Retro Rib from the Favorite Socks book on my shelf. Deep stash, both.

Odds are good I could knit plenty of socks from yarn in the closet and books on the shelf. I hope those odds will remain in my favor.

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