16 December 2015

About That Swap, Helen

Seriously, this yarn is going to be used up.

I bought a bunch of this Patons for something like a dollar at a ridiculous close out - probably a big box moment where other merchandise needed the in-store real estate. It then sat, because it was a sale for which there was no actual need. I could make things from it, but I had no real interest in doing so. One summer it was duly and dutifully removed to swap at knitting camp. Helen, a thrifty and practical person, saw some potential in this large quantity of yarn. Terrific.

I don't have Helen's story, but I would guess that the bargain again outweighed the need to knit. Helen publically shared her recent successes with decluttering. And voila, the yarn turned up at knitting camp this summer for an encore. or a reprise. Or a reprieve. (Musical theatre or punitive metaphor, hard to choose....)

At the last gasp, or a few gasps before it, I put the yarn in my bag. Swapped and reswapped as it was, I had a couple ideas that might serve to use it up. First round, within that very week, was a day of crafting with my cousin's little girls. Yarn that changed colors - though not quite as magically as that description suggested - was wound round lots of sticks from the yard. I left the remainders of two skeins at their house for further craft play.

I have been making Fuzzy Feet for a slow gift for a friend and her family. Another skein left the swap bag officially this week.

I have two of these left. I am making monsters. Two strands will eat it up, but I will be interested to see how much - and how many monsters.

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