07 February 2014

What's the Deal, February?

Yeah, so I was busy.  Blogging dwindles in knitting land.  Knitting grew sluggish in jpknitsland.

It's okay.  Holidays were lovely.  2013 went away.  January was FULL.  There was a one week roadtrip with mama driving the minibus.  We've had too much winter, all of us.  I had a three week cold, and I slept a lot for a change and tried to take care of myself.  I had a great class and we played hard.  Lots of smiles and laughs.

And.  Yet.

There was a little knitting.  Random Gift Knitting Just Because.

I did slip, of course, despite a very good start. Started in November, this was the ONLY holiday knitting I was really going to do.  Stash yarn, check.  Existing pattern info (Lace Rib Scarf stitch pattern from Mason Dixon blog), check.  Knitting done on December 24.  Found buttons to use from deep stash.  (I worked in a fabric store way back.)

Whoops.  Went from having three cards of buttons to two, which meant four buttons and not six.
Whoops.  Shopping for buttons, eventually.  Four deep stash buttons go back to the button boxes.
Whoops. Not done in December.  Button sewing today.

Gave, Giftee-smiling, Gone.

But how DID it get to be the end of the first week of February?!?

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