30 May 2013


I had the flu, actual flu, earlier this spring.  I had only enough sense to knit a square.  
I had sense enough to want to tackle a baby gift for a baby due shortly.  
I had sense enough to eyeball two skeins of indifferent baby acrylic that had been in the stash since certain other preschoolers were expected.  

It became a mission to get this done, and  that energy wasn't lost even when I set myself other spring-deadline hats.

The baby is here, enough weeks in that I can have a visit with the mom without overwhelming.  The blanket is drying from its quick wash.

But.  Seriously.
I bought a third skein, only to have 3/5 of it remaining.  I decided it seems big enough.  
I was too sick at the beginning to catch on to the fact that I would have gauge issues shifting from the garter center to the stockinette surround.
I thought an I-cord bind off would curb the curl, and it is not so.
I washed it, and days later the acrylic is still not dry.

This sucker is not square. I will try not to care.

In other serious news, I tossed the stash.  I entered long ignored items into ravelry.  I have one more box to go through.  

I am appalled.  I must knit more.  Seriously.  SABLE indeed.

Seriously not entering the kitchen cotton.

Excuse me.  I need to go work on a gift scarf that's been lingering in the basket.

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