17 December 2010

Done is good

This got done.

Exams are done.

I'm wearing this without buttons. Done enough.


  1. Hi from the frozen farther north! How have you been? Latest finished wrappy is so pretty - grey is so distinguished, no?

    I'm at the end of a year of my yarn diet - haven't bought an inch of yarn since December 2009!! And you'd never even know the difference in my stash. Sigh.

    New baby (same daddy, CJ, different girl - and still not even together any more. One date, I think. Baby (girl? boy?) due any day. Haven't seen Lilly (almost 2 now) for over a year - she and CJ in legal battles over visitation. Ugly....

    Hope you are well!! Love, Nancy

  2. Beautiful! And done is, indeed, excellent.
