24 April 2009

Kicking up some serious dust

Absent chez blog, frenzied in the work house.....

Finished the last phase of a MAJOR work project this week. We're in production now. PHEW.

Dust can settle.
Done and dusted.
No biting of the dust, fortunately.

Now. Where'd I put the knitting?


  1. I'm thinking about the best for your family.
    And singing the Jealousy Duet in my head.

  2. I know the feeling! Going into production is such a huge step, in any job. We're in the middle of pre-production (in a completely different field, doing completely different things, but the goal is the same), and I can't wait to get it done.

  3. Just a reminder
    I do expect you at Knitting Camp this summer.

    August 2nd, 3rd, 4th
