03 September 2008

A Proper Gift, Juno Regina!

This is a gift for a good friend. I'll have to call now and find a time to bring it up. I don't want to mail it!

Blocked out to 16 " wide - could have been wider at the largest cross section of the diamond ends, but I opted for straight.

Length blocked out to 72" or so long - I think it was about 60" unblocked.

I am truly pleased.


  1. As well you should be. It's beautiful!

  2. What a wonderful gift for your friend. The colors are perfectly suited to the pattern.

  3. Juno is beautiful! Just enough variegation to be interesting, not so much as to be distracting. Perfect yarn and color choice.

  4. Very lovely! The yarn is beautiful.

  5. Truly gorgeous. It makes me want to make one. Lucky friend you have.
