30 September 2008


There's a nice breeze in my office today. I enjoy having the windows open for fresh, cool bits of air. It seems to buoy me up just as I feel swamped by a weighty, weighty day in a challenging week in an intense month.

Fittingly, for the season, on Friday I started knitting Wisp from Knitty in a periwinkle-evoking blue Malabrigo lace. It might even be for me. (If it isn't, I have another color of the same yarn, and that can be for me.)

Almost done with the market bag. Enjoying the neat and tidy look of the garter stitch strap.

Thinking today of friends who've received difficult health news and of friends who've come through long stretches of health challenges.

I hope they, too, can find some little breeze that lifts them up, comforts them, or brings them ease on difficult days.


  1. You need to keep this. It would look perfect on you.

  2. Perfect meeting of yarn, color, and pattern.
