14 July 2008

Things change

Sent this off to my aunt and uncle. I enjoyed noting the difference between my grandmother's work and mine. I crochet quickly, and you can tell the tension suffers. Click through for bigger images.

Her work:

My work meets it, yarn thinned additionally by virtue of being a redone section.

I made up an edge, as the handwritten note said to repeat row two until yarn runs out. I thought a straighter line than the zig zag would be better.

Of course, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
I have guests this week, I'm off to finish tidying, I have a gift to finish for the weekend, and I don't know what I'll wear to that wedding this weekend.....


  1. Ahh! I love that you can pick up where Grandma left off. Even if the tension is different, the skills are there. Nice.

  2. Sometimes, even the same person can have different tension depending on speed. When I knit/crochet quickly, my tension is loose and it doesn't look as neat and tidy. When I take time, I end up with much tighter stitches. It's weird.

    And it's wonderful that you can pick up where your grandma left off. That really is passing skills down from woman to woman down the generations.
