31 May 2008


Took Friday for myself. Focused on small things.

Made sure I was eating foods I picked up at the Farmer's market as well as pantry/freezer food on hand. Made lovely avgolemono soup for lunch. Prepared a nice salad for supper and a quick pasta sauce of young onions, cilantro, and some lemon zest from the soup making to go with some local cheese ravioli in the freezer.

Decided my day off needed to focus on some knitting in progress. Finished the cowl I'd started on Wednesday.

I've been itching to tackle some yet-to-decide projects, and the patterns have been out and about. Put away patterns that could stand to return to their file drawer and figured I'd focus on other knitting in progress. Attacked the Pomatomus only to find I didn't have that pattern with the knitting. Must have migrated to work. Got as far as I could. Will look for the pattern a few days before printing it up again.

Picked up the spring striped socks which had already been cast on. Made fair progress. Paused at this point to tackle the other, as I'd decided these socks might manage to match, and if I tackle the same stretch twice, I'll retain the progress & choices more easily.

I have commencement duties this weekend. Decided not to go to the farmer's market today as I would have little cooking opportunity this weekend. Besides, there's enough at home. I can focus.

This is the weekend I flip my summer-to-summer list of finished knitting. Really want to cast on for something sizeable, and I don't know if my weekend will have enough time to finish much else that's currently on the needles. Still, for now I'll just stick with the focus plan.


  1. Gorgeous! I love the cowl :)

  2. I love your knitting, the cowl in particular.

    Sometimes, you just need a sanity day. I took Friday off, and I'm so glad I did. After 3 weeks of business travel, it takes a couple of days at home to recharge.
